The slogan, “Achhe Din aaraheHai” catapult BJP to power during the general Parliamentary elections of 2014 in India. This slogan reminiscent with late Indiraji’s slogan of “Garibi Hatao’ descended on the masses all over the country like a typhoon and the voters were mesmerized to such an extent that the BJP gained a stunning majority for the throne at Delhi. It was a mandate against corruption, mountainous financial scams, inflation, ever rising prices of fossil fuels and the essential commodities, terrorism, drop in industrial growth, social health, ever deteriorating law & order, poverty, unemployment etc. It was a mandate for much needed change in the governance. The slogan Achhe Din… proved not only just the Philip to vent out anti-incumbency but also scripted Modiji as the messiah to provide panacea against all the ills prevailing then. Modiji was perceived to be an icon for national development vis-à-vis social resurrection, a person who could usher in 360 degree transitions from “ Bebas” to “Achhe”.
There is a consensus even among commons that Modiji is not blessed with a magic wand to bring about the desired transformation in such a short duration. When BJP assumed reins of this country they had to work over several platforms at national and international level. So far party has been seen busy with issues of consolidation of nation’s cash reserve, inviting NRI investments, branding the nation over international platforms, improving diplomatic ties internationally and dealing a strong blow to neighbour and so on.
A strong government initiated stimulus is being perceived for national metamorphosis towards Achhe Din.
Innovation is a means of creating sustainable and cost effective solutions for inclusive growth in developing economies. With the availability of financial capital, technological prowess, and entrepreneurial talent, the public and private sectors are increasingly coming together to generate innovative and effective solutions to address India’s development challenges.
Without doubt, innovation is a means of creating sustainable and cost effective solutions for inclusive growth in developing economies. With the availability of financial capital, technological prowess, and entrepreneurial talent, the public and private sectors are increasingly coming together to generate innovative and effective solutions to address India’s development challenges.
Our future growth relies on competitiveness and innovation, skills and productivity and these rely on the education of our people. Without challenge there is no innovation, creativity or incentive for improvement. Those who initiate change will have a better opportunity to manage the change that is inevitable.
We are breathing in a constantly changing world. New technologies are emerging every day and if you don’t desire to be left behind, always keep up with the changing scenario. The moment innovation stops, systems lose their life. Innovation is the need of the hour, for every society and every era.
Four murders, rapes, robberies every hour, ten kidnappings in the same amount of time… India’s crime rate just keeps ticking up. National Crime Records Bureau report [NCRB] shows cybercrime, honor killings , murders , financial crimes such as cheating, robbery, kidnapping are rising.. Majority of criminals fall in the age group from 18 to 45. Experts like psychiatrist Dr. Harish Shetty, believes, “… anonymity provides a feeling that one will not get discovered and caught … spurs violence.” Disconnection and anonymity emboldens latent psychopathic traits to commit heinous crimes.
This rising crime graph is a matter of concern as it could be someone close to us husband, wife, son or daughter that could be involved in the minor or major crime.
Slow detection and prosecution rate, long drawn legal processes and an indifferent nation divided on caste, language and religion lines could be external factors and greed, shortcut to success, revenge could be the inner factors that are leading to deterioration of personal and social control leading to increase in crime rate.
Where does India go from here? What should we do to arrest this rise in the crime rate as well as criminal impulse?
This session will explore: Psychology of crime, Crime detection and conviction, Reform and prevention and working towards a healthy, zero tolerance to crime society.
In today’s competitive world, everyone is eager to win the race. No one is ready to accept the second position in his life. Life is turning into a race in which people are not realizing that they are leaving behind many things of dire importance. We should all have the will to win but winning is not everything. The whole struggle which you do to win something is also very important. But sometimes losing is also beneficial for us. It is not necessary to win every time you participate. Sometimes you have to go through failures too. At that time you should not be disappointed or frustrated at the result. Every experience teaches you something which makes you more mature and capable of dealing with problem
Participation is more important than just winning. If you will keep on participating in different events then surely one day you will get the result of your hard work. It is not necessary that every time the winner alone gets appreciation and fame for his work. There are many examples of real life champions who have never come first in their life but they are perfect in their lives. It does not matter that you win or lose, all that matters is the courage to participate. It is very essential to fight in life rather than just conquering it. You should be ready to face all kinds of challenges and hurdles which come in your way.
Freedom of Speech and Expression has been provided as a Fundamental right under the Constitution of India under Article 19 (1) (a). This freedom is indispensible for every citizen and every person of the country. Without the freedom of speech the purpose of life would be defeated. The importance of freedom of speech is that it is the soul of the democracy, sans the freedom of speech democracy is no democracy at all. Now the question that arises in the mind is that whether this important freedom can be availed in unlimited manner or it needs to be regulated with some limitation.
There are some persons who think that freedom of speech must be unlimited in a democratic set up then only the democracy should fructify but another set of people who believe in limitation on freedom of speech and expression according to them a man does not have the freedom to such an extent that he can encroach upon the rights of others.
Can freedom of speech and expression be an exception to this rule? This is a matter of debate, celebration and discussion and the wise man have to draw the inference from the speakers who are invited for this National Students Parliament.