


Inagural Session 10am -11.30 am
Bhupender Yadav
Bhupender Yadav

Indian politician

Boman Irani
Boman Irani


Sessions I

Title : Gross Domestic happiness is more important in judging the well being of a country than Gross Domestic Product
  • Dr. Prakriti Poddar
  • Ms.Rujuta Luktuke
  • CA.Pankaj Mandhane
  • Muhammad Azeemuddin
  • Ms.Shivani Dani

Indeed, in a developing country like India, the newspapers, the magazines and the editorials are crammed with the talks about Gross Domestic Product, the finances and the economic condition. However, in the same realm the real and more pertinent issue somehow goes unattended. What is that term which has not even been indicated by? How has its significance been obliterated till date? Why hasn’t it been a part of the news ever? And no, it is not some complex term which will ensure you to utilize your dictionary; it is a very basic yet indispensable term- the happiness

After all, isn’t the aspect that a happy individual works better a Universal truth! Isn’t it a high time we alter our perspective about growth of the nation. It is worthy of understanding that growth should not just be the result of the economy. It should rather be associated with the happiness quotient of an individual or individuals of a country. Then, in the near future, we will be able to reach the position or the podium where we will be able to call ourselves a part of a developed nation!

Sessions II

Title : In the Name of Progress, is Culture being Compramised?
  • Sucharita Palepu
  • Mr. Vineet Goenka
  • Nupur Basu

India continues to be the abode of a multicultural community. And, we do not simply put forth this as a statement, when we converse about our country, we actually feel it. The emotion of being a part of a country, which harbors strong cultural ethics, is what we have lived throughout

However, as much as this truth persists, we cannot and should not obliterate the path which the inhabitants of the country are following in the present scenario. Crimes, illegal issues and increasing social problems are in some or the other way associated with the facts which are well indicative to the result of compromising of our culture.

It is high time we comprehend the implication of freedom and modernity. We need to understand that there is a thin line which we should not cross in the realm of following the so called western culture. And, we need to work on it now. It is because, tomorrow will be too late. The damage done might have led to incurable situation in the near future. So, let’s start with us today, right here!

Sessions III

Title : Leadership Crisis: Can India survive if Leaders have only Parochial or Regional Interests?
  • Tanveer Ahmed
  • Shubharashtra Sethi
  • Rajesh Badal
  • Navab Malik

“Leadership is about vision and responsibility, not power”- S. Berkley

Conversing about the mighty and multi-cultural country India is all about; its democracy is always a term of discussion. Indeed, it is the country with one of the finest democracies.

India is a lot to be proud of, the many number of religions thriving in the same land together, the diverse culture portraying their uniqueness, the disparate languages reflecting on their roots and the list is rather endless. Nevertheless, wherever we go, we call ourselves Indian; we never introduce ourselves with our religion or our state. This is the beauty of being a part of a united Nation.

But, come elections, and the entire nation is divided into regions and religions. It seems an unseeingly yet strong line initiates in splitting them.

And, who is the one responsible for it, the leaders! It is really unfortunate on the part of the country, which has a rich civilization to be led by people who have this thought process. Quite definitely we do not need leaders who have parochial or regional interests. We need leaders who are able to motivate the country to a Developed nation, through education, job opportunities and a blend of the latest in technology and innovation.

Sessions IV

Title : Human Rights: Who should be protected?
  • Mr. Shekhar Naphade
  • Dr. S Shanta Kumar
  • Mr. Henri Tiphagne
  • Mr. Vishwas Patrhak

“To deny people their human rights, is to challenge their very humanity.”- Nelson Mandela

Indeed, human rights are indispensable to live. Yes, the world has come to the place where to live with peace and to live amicably; the human rights have become pertinent. The newspapers, the news channels and the editorials continue to flash something or other about human rights violation. But, isn’t the source of human rights, humanity?

The real question persists, as to what about humanity? If, we could all just be humans enough, won’t that be an acceptance and observation of human rights. Practicing law not just to avoid punishment, but because it is an integral part of your life! And, with all this, not obliterating for even a single moment, that who should actually be given protection under the human rights umbrella? Aren’t we giving protection to the culprit? Aren’t the loopholes in the system assuring protection to those with an upper hand in aristocracy?

These and many such questions continue to be of debate. These need to be solved. We, as a part of the biggest democracy of the world need to make amendments to it. It has to start now, with us, right here.

Sessions V

Title : Reinventing Zero: Zero Poverty, Zero Corruption, Zero Terrorism
  • Dr. Chandrashekar DP
  • Vivek Agnihotri
  • Mr. Charan Singh Sapra
  • Ms. Shweta Shalini

“When you make yourself into Zero, your power becomes invincible.”- Mahatma Gandhi

With the term Zero, somehow we Indians have always had something to be proud of. After all, the invention of this indispensable number dates back to the rich civilization we harbor. So, it is quite natural that we do not ever cease this from our memory. We, continue to boast about this. After all, pioneering is pioneering.

Yet again, isn’t it a Universal truth that history repeats itself. So, how about making a plunge into the repetition mode! And this time with a fresh new perspective! Let us become the pioneer in crafting Zero poverty, in ensuring Zero corruption and in making a mark with Zero Terrorism. Indeed, in the present scenario of growing up, developing the economic condition, assuring that there is that unique inculcation of the latest in tools and technology of the system, it is high time we initiate the progress from that mark which is rather more pertinent than anything else

Thus, 10 years down the line when the coming generation speaks about the number Zero, they will have something much more to be proud of with diminishing poverty, lowest levels of corruption and no tolerance for terrorism.

Let’s re-start with Zero.